My computer is noisy


Is your computer making a lot of noise, and you're not sure why? Don't worry; you're not alone. A noisy computer can be distracting and even concerning, but understanding the reasons behind the noise can help you address the issue effectively. In this article, we will discuss common causes of computer noise, including coil whine, and provide you with simple solutions to tackle these problems. Remember, some noises may not be covered by warranty, so it's essential to know what you're dealing with.




One of the most common sources of noise in a computer is the fans. These fans help to cool your system by circulating air and dissipating heat. When they're working harder, they can get louder.

Solution: Make sure your computer is dust-free, as dust can accumulate on the fans and affect their performance. Clean the fans and the vents regularly, and make sure there's enough space around your computer for proper airflow. 

Keep in mind that sometimes the cables within the computer move, specially during transport. This may cause a cable to be stuck on a fan or be close enough to a fan get hit by it and cause noise. So always check that your fans airflow is free.



Hard Drives

Hard drives, especially older models, can make clicking or grinding noises when they're running. These noises usually indicate that the hard drive is nearing the end of its life.

Solution: If you have an older hard drive, consider upgrading to a solid-state drive (SSD). Not only are SSDs much quieter, but they're also faster and more efficient.


Optical Drives

CD/DVD drives can be noisy when they're in use, especially if the disc inside is spinning at a high speed.

Solution: If you don't need to use the optical drive, consider removing the disc to reduce noise. Alternatively, consider upgrading to an external drive that you can connect only when needed.


Coil Whine

Coil whine is a high-pitched noise produced by the vibration of electrical components, such as power supply units, graphics cards, and motherboards. It's usually more noticeable under heavy load or when your computer is performing demanding tasks. Unfortunately, coil whine is generally not covered by warranty, as it's considered a normal byproduct of electronic devices.

Solution: While coil whine can be annoying, it's not harmful to your computer. 

If you want to read more about Coil Whine, please check our guide here.



A noisy computer can be frustrating, but understanding the source of the noise can help you find a solution. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning dust and ensuring proper airflow, can go a long way toward reducing noise. If your computer is still noisy after trying these solutions, consider contacting our customer support. Remember that not all noises, like coil whine, are covered by warranty, so it's important to know what you're dealing with to make informed decisions.